Nā Kiaʻi o Kapolei" 2024, University of Hawaii West Kapolei, Oahu, HI
Nā Kiaʻi o Kapolei" 2024, University of Hawaii West Kapolei, Oahu, HI
Nā Kiaʻi o Kapolei" 2024, University of Hawaii West Kapolei, Oahu, HI
Nā Kiaʻi o Kapolei" 2024, University of Hawaii West Kapolei, Oahu, HI
“STAR NIMBUS” Livingston Healthcare Hospital, MT
“Star Nibus” Livingston Healthcare Hospital, MT, 2023
Goldnen Ramhorn
Blue Ellipse 2021
Hina’i public art sculpture for Wailuku, HI
“inferno” 2022
Red Altair 2022
Red Altair 2022
Bluehorn 2019
"Nautilus", inspired by the geometry in nature. Woven in welded steel. Finished in Bluebell, the piece is 6' x 4' x 6'ht. Paradise Valley, MT.
"Balsa Luna" at Buffalo creek art center sculpture park, Minden, NV 12' x 10' x 4'
"Balsa Luna" at Buffalo Creek art center sculpture park, Minden, NV
"Vessel in Red"
"Vessel in Red"
"Vessel in Red"
"Vessel in Red"
"Lenticular" detail
"Lenticular" detail
"Bighorn" courtesy Diehl Galley
"Bighorn" courtesy Diehl Gallery
"Bighorn" courtesy Diehl Gallery
"Bighorn"Courtesy Diehl Gallery